A Big Thank You!

There you go! A big thanks to all of you out there who have contacted me about this blog, not least because of the huge amount of information I now have. It's fair to say that the biggest gap in my knowledge of Powertrack comes from what I don't know and most of you have sought to redress that.
The biggest discovery thus far is the 1980 UK Powertrack catalogue. As Craig, the kind chap who told me about this said, it's hardly a catalogue as such, more a pamphlet, but what it contains is some pretty good stuff.

Not least, the PT-115 Disco Van, but also the Lanechanger cars which although still rare were (or were supposed to be!) standard UK issue.

There is also the introduction of PT-5000 and PT-8000 so I will be going back and changing the set introduction dates as applicable.

Quite a few of you have emailed about Tyrone Malone and his racing trucks. suffice to say alot of his images seem heavily copyrighted in the good old US of A but do check it out on google...

Alot of you are asking for a track inventory, and that will be coming. Powertrack fan Ben is trying to work out why the country of origin varies on the track and it's an interesting point. if anyone has any ideas let us know please...

Ebay is digging up some fine nuggets and for those of you who have read this blog inside out you will know how passionate I have become about the next item...

For my part is means I have to go back and revisit some of my views on what I've written, but that's all part of having this blog right? Keep your views and ideas coming in and hopefully I can keep this site interesting for a while yet.

Best regards,
