I am becoming educated on what happened to the Matchbox tools and stock post the collapse of the early 1980's. This is proving quite interesting and its helping me me fathom out what has been going on these last 30 years!
Contributor Jonas has sent details of this set which heralds from 1984. It features quite clearly the existing Powertrack track section. I suspect its a 12V system owing to the terminal track being from Powertrack-Plus?

Note lap counter - a new part designed to fit around a standard Powertrack straight section. A simple trigger in slot device that ratcheted a crankwheel to click to the next lap. 

These two GoBot cars look in great shape and for the enthusiast this would be a great find.

Note the application of Gobot decals and Powertrack Plus style 12V stickers. Also in evidence is the 90 degree cross section, which was never used in a Matchbox set... though correct me if I am wrong?

Branded toys are the result of keen licencing and 'Movie Tie-ins'. While being opportunist they rely on heavy marketing - particularly on TV. Timing and opportunity are the key to success and it is doubtful GoBots achieved the success its makers anticipated.
Box displays the lap counter and cross over clearly. The cars will be featured in a separate feature.
This set was described as mint and sold for £185 back in June 2012.