PP-3000 introduced the superb 'flying cross jump'. It is also the only set to feature a 9" section of cross over track. Interestingly, the cross over sections and start section were spray painted to achieve the graphic, not stickers as per the rest of the track.
The cars supplied were the unconvincing but massively fast Le Mans cars. I have used several combinations over the years but these bodies on 12V chassis always seem to offer the smoothest, most effective lap times. I am no fan of these liveries either, but to me they seem the least likely cars to want to jump. Surely this set should maybe have included the rally cars - Saab, Fiat, Ford, Triumph?
No matter, the set offered good racing, though the addition of a pair of 15" & 9" straights might have made for more chance of accelerating before the jump and slowing down after.
Worth noting that the track terminal had unique terminals for the 12V transformer and two hand controllers. Of more interest is the fact that two more inputs were designed for 12V 'U-turn' action, though curiously there was no 12V power take off for a lap counter or other accessory.
One other thing is the bridge supports, a two piece ball jointed affair that wasn't very effective at its job. It was offered in 3 heights but lacked the flexibility of the old supports.
PP-3000 comprised of:
1 x Porsche 936
1 x Renaulf Elf
10 x 90 Degree 9" curve
1 x 9" 12V Track terminal
1 x 6" Straight
1 x 24" Flying jump (3 pieces)
1 x 9" Cross over
1 x 12V mains transformer
2 x Hand controllers
10 x Crash barriers
3 x Bridge supports
Track Length: 12 ft
In 1982 this set retailed for £35 in the UK